Interview by Aldrich Peña Anzastiga

Made by: Aldrich Peña Anzastiga

Hi! This time I decided to do an interview to the ex president of my town, Luis Anzastiga Alvarez who is my grandfather too.

Me: Hi! How are you?

Luis: Hi! Aldrich, I am fine.

Me: Great, could I make you any questions?
Luis: Of course yes.

Me: Good.
Do you think that be president is difficult?

Luis: Yes, of course not all the presidents do a great work, but even so this job is much harder than a lot of others jobs.

Aldrich: Have you ever thought in to be a president again?

Luis: No, I have never thought in that and I don't want.

Aldrich: Great. Have you ever regretted of one of your action as president?

Luis: Yes, I retreat of do some actions, but I can't go back in time.

Aldrich: Do you think that the actual president is doing a good work?

Luis: I can't tell you my thoughts, but I can say that he could do a better work.

Aldrich: Yes, I think the same. Well, thank you for accept my interview.

Luis: I am happy to help you Aldrich.
