
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018
The Satellites     Which is a satellite? Satellites are elements that orbit around a certain celestial body. There are natural satellites and artificial satellites, that is, created by man to satisfy his needs.   When was Invented? On October 4, 1957, humanity successfully put a satellite of its own making into space for the first time in its history. What is its importance? Nowadays, they are used for the most varied functions, such as communication and observation of the earth for the elaboration of maps, the geolocation and to observe more effectively other celestial bodies.            Where was created? The first satellite was called "Sputnik" and was built and launched by Russia. It was an aluminum sphere the size of a beach ball of just over 80 kilograms, with four long, thin antennae How has it changed your life? T he satellites have changed my life due to telecommunications and I keep myself in constant information, since without this

bernardo campos infograpihcs


Invention. Saul Jesus


Interview by Aldrich Peña Anzastiga

Made by: Aldrich Peña Anzastiga Hi! This time I decided to do an interview to the ex president of my town, Luis Anzastiga Alvarez who is my grandfather too. Me: Hi! How are you? Luis: Hi! Aldrich, I am fine. Me: Great, could I make you any questions? Luis: Of course yes. Me: Good. Do you think that be president is difficult? Luis: Yes, of course not all the presidents do a great work, but even so this job is much harder than a lot of others jobs. Aldrich: Have you ever thought in to be a president again? Luis: No, I have never thought in that and I don't want. Aldrich: Great. Have you ever regretted of one of your action as president? Luis: Yes, I retreat of do some actions, but I can't go back in time. Aldrich: Do you think that the actual president is doing a good work? Luis: I can't tell you my thoughts, but I can say that he could do a better work. Aldrich: Yes, I think the same. Well, thank you for accept my interview. Luis: I am happy to

Interview with Juan Jose Pablo Eduardo Antonio FranciscoAlfonso Lopez Mena Del Rio

Interview   with   Juan   Jose   Pablo   Eduardo   Antonio   Francisco Alfonso   Lopez   Mena   Del   Rio   Work   provided   by: Angel Francisco  Juan   is   an   architect   of   San   Juan   Del   Rio,   Baja   California   Sur   He   builds   shelters   for   the   elderly   and   VAGABONDS.   We   will proceed   with   the   questions   Me:   thank   you   very   much   for accepting   this   interview,   first   of   all   I   would   like   to congratulate   you   on   your   great   and   humble   Work.   Juan:   No.   Can   we   get   started?   Right   now   I'm   a   little   busy   Me:   Sure.   First   question,   what   will   drive   you   to   be   an architect?   Juan:   since   childhood   I   have   been   attracted   to   the construction   and   planceacion   of   Structures.   It   all   started   with the   little   tente   case   my   mother   gave   me   at   Christmas.   In   case you   didn't   know,   Tente   was   like   the   Legos   of   Today